Today promised to be another scorcher, so we had breakfast at 7 a.m. (on a Sunday!) and left early with the boys. We decided to take a longer and more challenging route, where we have to navigate some serious hills. Last year Chambord balked at going down the steep hill, so we were curious to see how his balance had improved. Or, perhaps Saumur would be ready to take the lead?
Piece of cake, both didn't even ponder the question for a moment and just climbed down. We followed the winding trails along the Huron River. There is a place where the bank is shallow and has good footing, and we wanted to take the boys in. Saumur loves to go into the water, he's not one to cherish puddles and mud, but give him the opportunity to go into 'real' water he has a blast. When we schooled cross country the water jumps were our favorites (OK, we are not talking the Head of the Lake at Rolex here).
Chambord was a bit hesitant at first, but then started to paw and the more the water flew up the more he pawed and went in deeper and deeper. He made sure we all got a good shower (perhaps he smelled that we haven't had one yet this morning). BTW, here is a tip I learned from the cavalry officer that guided our small group 500 km through Hungary: Never shower before riding! The shower softens the skin, and you are much more prone to sores. Makes sense, and with up to eight hours a day in the saddle that was almost life saving advise, because there was no other means of transportation around.
On the way home we cantered up the steep hill and Saumur was ready for a full out gallop, but listened to me. It really showed me that Saumur is in great shape, he had a bounce in his step all the way home. Chambord's bounce was pretty much relegated to "are we there yet???" and I wouldn't be surprised to see him snooze in the pasture this afternoon.
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