I took this afternoon off so I could take the boys to Sandy's. It was the first time trailering them by myself, usually it's either Saumur and I, or we are a foursome. With Saumur's previous issues and Chambord's disdain of waiting I wasn't sure what to expect. And then the weather was cold, rainy and blustery - about 50F less (!) than two days ago.
Well, they both behaved like seasoned travelers. I loaded Chambord first and then went back for Saumur (who was already whinnying for his buddy). Saumur basically dragged me to the trailer and loaded himself. They travel really well together, no rocking of the trailer or banging the walls. I was just so thrilled, we sure came a long way from our seemingly endless hours of loading before.
Saumur went right to work, I really think he likes the work and the positive affirmation he gets from it. We practised parts of the 3rd level tests, and I had to get my body rearranged correctly. Especially in the shoulder in I have to remember to move my shoulders, but not my hips. Saumur's canter work was especially fun, he was smooth, round, collected, and we nailed my 'nemesis' on the first try both sides. That's the canter half-pass to X, straight a couple of strides, and then a flying change. We nailed it both sides on the first try! We finished on that good note and Saumur's reward was an extensive roll in the arena. It's one of his favorite things to do. I cringe at the 'wild boar look' he sports afterwards, but as long as he's happy I'm fine eating the dirt while brushing it off.
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