The forecast called for 87F today, so we decided to ride early and go on the trails through the forest. It was beautiful and very relaxing. The woods remind me of my childhood, spending time with my dad in the German forests, and all the rides my friends and I took on very picturesque trails. Also, not long after we started dating, I introduced Jean-Paul to trailriding and we took many trips across the Schwaebische Alb and the Black Forest, which was tremendous fun.
So the forests bring back happy memories and I always remember something I read in the book 'Broken':
Navajo Night Chant:
"I am walking on the tops of the mountains,
The Gods are before me
The Gods are behind me
I am walking in the midst of the Gods"
The boys again were very good. We trotted and cantered and both stayed nice and relaxed. Good thing we beat the heat! We seemingly skipped Spring this year in Michigan.
I noticed that I better start sharing my SPF 70 sunblock with Chambord. He is about as pale as I am, and his nose is turning pink. Guess we'll have to go with the sunscreen: one for me - one for you - and bug spray for all of us!
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