Riding Remy today was the highlight of my day. I never thought I could have that much fun! There is no better cure for stress and winter blues than having a great ride (OK, there might be one other thing...).
Saumur has been just so slightly off, very tight, and 'looky'. He had his chiropractic treatment and is currently half-way through the Adequan cycle. Hopefully, that will make him feel better. So I have been very careful with him, trying to make him more supple while trying not to worry too much about him. After all, if he were human the AARP would have long ago tried to get his membership!
During my lesson on Remy today I struggled again (!) with keeping my weight in the saddle, especially in the transitions. Judy has been really on me about that, and today I felt I got her pretty close to the edge of her rope. I don't know why I always try to lighten my seat. Neither of the boys has back issues. Especially with Remy I think "he's just a baby and I shouldn't put my weight down". Which really makes people snicker, because I am hardly overweight. So, what to do, putting a diver's weight belt on?? Well, finally Judy got to me, and wouldn't you know it, Remy improved remarkably. Judy told me that he's a really nice horse and he needs a good rider. Oh.. kay - I'll get my act together!
Which made me think about how important the trainer/coach - student relationship is. In the beginning both Judy and I were very careful, trying to feel each other out. Not only both need to have the same 'big picture' regarding horsemanship and training, but also the chemistry has to jive. Also, there are times in one's life where different relationships work for different stages of life.
I have been very fortunate in that I had outstanding professionals helping me along the way, from my fearless beginnings jumping whatever came my way, to dealing with Saumur's trauma's, then furthering Saumur's dressage career. Now I am at a stage where I have to manage Saumur's 'twilight years'; and also giving Remy the best foundation possible.
So, when Judy half-jokingly said today "the honeymoon is over" I thought afterwards: Good! We are now moving along in the relationship to the stage where the teacher feels comfortable to demand more and the student will see the pressure as positive. (A real honeymoon probably ends differently, so let's stick to it figuratively).
And lucky for all concerned - the chemistry between these two 'Type A's' works!