Sunday, January 27, 2013

'Kissed' by a stingray, loving seahorses - and wondering about my legs

We went to the Florida Oceanographic Coastal Center today. Part of the visit was a lecture about stingrays followed by hand-feeding them. The zoologist assured us that it would feel like a 'wet kiss'. Hmm, I've never been a fan of wet, sloppy kisses - but what the heck, the stingray won't kiss me on the mouth ... I sure hoped so! I was not disappointed when I put my hand holding a shrimp in the water: The stingray took the shrimp very gently, and it felt indeed like a wet kiss on the hand. No "yuk", I went back for more!

The big draw for me were the sea-horses - well, yes, of course: they really resemble horses! The little guys in the aquarium just looked so intelligent and awfully cute. I want some at home, finally horses that can live in the house!

During the days we've been here I spent hours walking in the surf on the beach. I love feeling the sand, wind and ocean. Sometimes the waves caught me, and I was grateful for having strong legs that kept me grounded. Pretty interesting, I hardly wear skirts because I think my legs are too muscular, but then when it counts I don't mind the muscles at all!

Still, riding or the boys are never far from my mind. So I asked myself why I have such a hard time putting these muscular, athletic legs of mine on a horse? Judy has been after me ever since we started working together to put my legs on, especially the inside leg. I guess Saumur has trained me well, in the early days putting a leg on him was like squeezing toothpaste out of a tube: fast and no return. Now he takes the leg well, but my brain has not caught up with it, and I project the same reluctance onto Remy. So - insight gained from my time on the beach: If these legs of mine can keep me from being swept to sea they sure can give the correct aids to a horse!

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