Sunday, January 13, 2013

How long can you groom a tail? Long enough to have to bake a cake

Yesterday I showed up to my lesson with Remy sporting a tail that would have given George Morris the coronary of his life. Mud season wreaks havoc on long, luscious tails. I was pressed for time and apologized to Judy: "I had the choice between timeliness and cleanliness - and timeliness won!" Luckily, Judy agreed - and I neglected to tell her that at a German barn it would have meant buying a round of drinks for everyone!

So today I decided to groom both boys thoroughly. Hours and a bottle of 'Cowboy Magic' later (while contemplating if there actually is such a thing as a cowboy conditioning his horse's tail?) both boys' coats shone and their tails looked splendid. The irony was not lost on me: I do my make up in 10 min. flat, and 'hairstyling' boils down to: wash, gel, air dry.

Between grooming, riding, and puttering around the barn I got home five hours after I had left... and then I  did horse laundry. In the meantime JP had cleaned the house, did the grocery shopping, and bought flowers. I do like this job sharing! Then it hit me - something non-horsey might be called for: Cake! I baked a mean German red wine-chocolate cake to make up for focusing on horse keeping instead of housekeeping. That worked!

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