Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"You should take a roll - it's fun!"

Too cold to ride or longe - what to do? Not many options left aside from the obvious: staying home in front of the fireplace with a good book and a nice glass of red. Alas, as always, boys first. I bundled myself up until I could have given the Michelin Man a run for his money and drove to the barn.

In the interest of efficiency (i.e. to get back to warmth and said glass of red) I decided to walk and jog both at the same time. Well, Saumur was hardly in the arena when he did what he always does: roll. Remy stood next to me, keenly observing, while my thoughts went along the lines of "get it over with, will ya, I'm freezing!" Remy must have liked what he saw, because as soon as Saumur was standing on all four legs again he decided to take a turn in the sand. Yes, Judy, now we have two "dead horse" marks in the arena.

After both had done what they wanted (who asks me anyway?) they stood and looked at me as if to say "Well, what about you?? It's great fun and sure gets the itch out!" No, thanks, boys - I don't have my personal groom with me, the one that brushes the dirt off, massages me, feeds me treats and tells me that I'm pretty wonderful ... where is he anyway? Oh, yeah, in front of the fireplace, with a nice glass of red!

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