Saturday, January 12, 2013

If you don't like the front - fix the back!

What's  wrong with this picture: It's the middle of January in Michigan - and we have 60F! I  call it 'teaser weather' - it makes you feel like Spring is just around the corner, only to put you in deep freeze the next day.

An unwelcome side effect to this thaw is the mud, everything gets sucked in and looks disgusting. The boys stand in the mud wondering where the nice fluffy white stuff went and why the ball they play with is so icky.

Nevertheless, we braved the heat wave during our lessons today. Judy had send me an email after riding Saumur this week saying "he likes to be carried". Umh - yeah, just look at my upper arms (jokingly, I hope) referred to by JP as "rivaling Popeye's"'. It's always been tough to get Saumur to carry himself and he tends to be heavy in the bridle. What really made a difference today in my riding was Judy's advise:

"If you don't like the front end you have to fix the hind end!" This translates into Saumur engaging his hindquarters , carrying more weight behind and therefore being able to lighten the forehand.
Sure enough, the same applied to my ride on Remy. Remy doesn't get heavy, he sometimes fusses with with the bit in the trot. Prescription from 'Dr. Judy': More engagement!

As the honeymoon is really over (darn it!) Judy's attention to detail (aka pickiness) has considerably increased. Just when I think my shoulders are finally open, she points out the incorrect placement of my lower legs.... and so it goes on, and on..... BUT: I love the intensity!  The boys are improving and I smile while working MY HIND END off: We are on the right track!

And for the record: The mud-stained Palomino and his French cavalier earned an 'A' today for a stellar  lesson. Who needs to be clean to work well, anyway? Chambord says  being clean is highly overrated!

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