Tuesday, January 1, 2013

And the first checks of the year go to... Paying horse expenses!

Happy New Year - It will be a great one!

JP and I started the new year well.. A bit too well for me, I'm a so called "cheap date" - meaning I don't need much alcohol to feel no pain, and I definitely suffer the after effects the next day. Today though was the day Luanne, our saddle fitter, was available to check Remy's saddle.

So at 11 am in 19F weather I bundled up and trudged to the barn. The boys were eagerly waiting for me at the gate. Remy was extremely patient with the whole measuring - trying on  - adjusting - retry the saddle procedure. Turns out his shoulders broadened over the last couple of months, therefore pushing the saddle up too high in front and putting my seat too low behind. Luanne expertly adjusted it. She also commented on the fact that I put even pressure on the saddle. How could she tell? Apparently my seat bones left marks on the wool flocking (too many cookies?? No, Luanne assured me that this is normal). Still, I'm not sure how I feel about leaving 'indentations'!?

So, the saddle is fixed (check number 1), Board and lesson bill is due (check number 2), Saumur has an appointment with the chiropractor (check number 3)... No need to wonder if I should go back to work tomorrow or not!

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