Saturday, January 19, 2013

Is he an octagon or octopus? - and "true guys or ladies men"?

Today tested our focus, horses and riders alike. We had a group of spectators that are potentially new clients for Judy. Previously, this would have given me performance anxiety. Even under normal circumstances I put a lot of pressure on myself to do the best I can. Adding spectators to this plus the thought of not wanting to embarrass Judy in front of potential clients... does not exactly sound like a recipe for success. However, I amazed myself by staying absolutely cool, and having fun showing off the boys!

Saumur felt good today, it sure helped that Judy had worked with him on "yes, you can do half-halts and listen!" on Thursday. He felt much softer and 'with it'. As always, I can't afford to let my mind wander even for a second, it's a constant check and balance. We were joking today that he is not like a 'normal' horse that has four sides: Front, back, left and right - with Saumur it feels like he has at least double that number. Judy and I blurted out almost at the same time: "He's an octagon!".

Actually, come to think of it now, it feels more like riding an octopus, where I have to ride all these many arms moving in different directions at the same time (while wondering if I get ink spit on me in the form of a spook).  Needless to say, I was very happy that we were able do nice canter half-passes, finishing with a clean flying change, staying soft while moving towards the peanut gallery.

Remy, ham that he is, almost always guarantees a good time. Today we improved our transitions and overall balance. His canter is so much fun, I can see us galloping off into the sunset, a bit too literally at times, so Judy has to bring us back to reality: We are in an indoor arena, and the goal is to stay balanced and having half-halts. Ach, ja, if you must insist -- we'll take it a notch down, just for you!

JP and Chambord didn't get rattled by the ladies checking them out. Neither of them feels intimidated by strutting their stuff (and they do it well) in a top dressage barn surrounded by women,  "true guys" or "ladies men"?? I guess a bit of both!

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