Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sun, sand - but no horses... or... cold, snow - and horses

Well, we are back in the dreary, cold Michigan weather. Going from applying SPF 45 sunblock to popping Vitamin D3 pills (to make up for lack of sunlight) was quite the shock; and exchanging flip flops for boots and socks somehow lacks a certain appeal.

But the good part is being back with the boys. They sure provide a lot of balance in my life. I realized (once again!) how much I miss it when I’m not riding. I had a lesson on Saumur last night, and we continued to work on our two key items: improving his self-carriage, and my position, and I am happy to say that we both inched our way towards progress. Saumur felt good, much better than before I left. I also longed Remy and was happy how well he took all the activity in the indoor, with horses coming close, and cantering around him. He’s just too cute! (Yeah, I know… way too ‘mushy’).

By the time the boys were tucked in their stalls, fruit baskets in front of them, I truly was happy and relaxed without worries about the grim weather or all the stress at work. What more could I ask?

Here is a very fitting quote:

Feel free to let your riding distract you from a crazy life,

But never let a crazy life distract you from your riding.

                                             Daniel Stewart

Although Daniel better explains to me how not to get distracted from my riding when I’m in China (or Mexico, or Europe) while the boys are in Michigan!

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