Sunday, March 13, 2016

He earned his weekend pass - and are we done now fixing the trailer?

Remy was a very good student this week, and we topped it off with an excellent lesson yesterday. It is getting easier to do transitions within the gaits (i.e. working - medium - collected) and Remy stays soft and attentive. I sure love his canter, it feels like we could go on forever.

Afterwards I went to the Stallion Expo out of nostalgia. It is the place where we bought Crissy's first saddle (a Western saddle adorned with Silver), and it was so fascinating at the time. Also, RJ, the cowboy we got Chambord from was a key organizer and clinician at the event, and "attended" a few years ago in form of his ashes (brought to the expo by his widow).

Sure enough, the trailer dealership was there with a huge display. I ran into Israel, the sales manager that sold us the Lakota, and -only half jokingly- said I'm here to shop for another trailer. It sure irked me when Israel said perhaps the doors didn't stay closed because we live on a dirt road. Give me a frickin' break! LOCKED doors must stay closed, period!

Luckily JP was able to repair the door mechanisms, and so far they have stayed closed. But really, what would people do that are not mechanically inclined and don't have a spouse willing and able to constantly fix things or drive the trailer six hours to the plant?

JP has pointed out the things that need to be improved during the manufacturing process to the quality people at the plant, unfortunately, it seems its pretty much falling on deaf ears. What ever happened to quality surveys, 8D's, customer feedback and follow up? Well, wait, that seems not to apply to horse trailers - but it sure should!

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