Saturday, March 26, 2016

So far so good - and I'll be "Fit wie ein Turnschuh"

Saumur is settling in beautifully (knock on wood), he seems to like the routine of 3xday hand-walking, and not being chased away from his hay. Even though there are plenty of hay feeders and extra piles of hay outside, Chambord especially has a tendency of chasing Saumur away from wherever Saumur choses to eat. So now in his stall Saumur has a slow-feeding hay net all to himself (the hay net has smaller holes that require more work as they don't let a lot of hay through at once).

I'm amazed how well behaved Saumur is on our walks, he doesn't pull, and generally just curiously looks around. He is very alert and curious. Interestingly, things that made him spook before, like the big American flag outside the barn, barely get a glimpse. I'm crossing my fingers -and toes- that we can continue like this the next 20 days!

Adding up hand-walking Saumur and taking he dogs for their runs I'm clocking between 6 and 8 miles (9.6 - 12.8 km) a day, and that's just when I carry my phone (it has a step counter). By the time Rolex comes around end of April I'll be "Fit wie ein Turnschuh" (a German saying, meaning being very fit = 'fit like an athletic shoe'). Walking the 4.3 mile course (6.8 km) numerous times on XC day won't present a problem, I'll just have to park JP somewhere - his preference is the Bourbon tasting station!

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