Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Settling in at home - and getting homeopathic help

Saumur is one happy camper at home. Well, as much as he can be without turnout. I took a vacation day today to help him get settled and to start the hand walking routine.

He is hungry, eating, drinking, pooping, peeing - what else could I want? He is walking fairly mannerly, but I'm sure it will be more of a challenge in the weeks to come. I foresee a very sore right shoulder (mine).

I had a consultation with the Equine Homeopath today in order to get Saumur more help in his recovery. We added Pre- and Pro- Biotics to get the gut bacteria restored. I also received globules that will help with circulation in the hooves to prevent Laminitis.

After we went finished with Saumur's schedule Sue took a closer look at me and rushed to get a remedy for me. Seems I look much worse for wear than Saumur!

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