Monday, March 7, 2016

"He is more like a diesel" - and more trailer woes

The day started well with a 7 a.m. haircut. Ellen, a good friend, has been cutting my hair ever since I came to the States, and I always leave her chair feeling and looking better.

The weather went from snowstorm to Spring in seemingly the blink of an eye, forecast for tomorrow is in the 60sF. Guess the snowshoes go back into the garage, at least for now.

JP used the good (trailering) weather to take Chambord to Judy's today, so he could ride during my lesson. Not even half-way there the locked (!) trailer door opened. JP first thought he hadn't closed it well, but alas, no such luck. The door opened again, and again... I have to say I kind of lost it when I called the sales manager at the dealership. I felt so bad, after JP had spent literally about 20 hours on the road, between taking it back to the dealership and then to the Lakota plant in Indiana. And here we go again!! I'd rather hand them the trailer back (keep in mind we bought it barely four months ago)! Too bad the lemon law does not apply to horse trailers, but something needs to happen.

So, needless to say I was pretty spent by the time we got to Judy's. I half-jokingly told her that I had already had a good cry, so I should be good for my lesson. And yes, it was a very good lesson. However, it took Remy a bit to get into gear (moving swiftly off my leg), prompting Judy to liken Remy to an old-fashioned diesel (the ones that needed vorgluehen -pre-heating-) before getting into gear.

On the bright side, even though Remy might sometimes be like a diesel, he sure can put the turbo to good use when he wants to. And important to note: His emission test results have not been altered!

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