Saturday, March 19, 2016

MSU Day 3 - Less gas, more movement

The first call of the day from the MSU staff veterinarian came before I had my coffee (OK, I had popped a Motrin PM last night to get some sleep, so I was late getting up at 7:30 a.m.). She called with good news: Less gas and some movement in the intestines allowed for the gastric tube to be pulled. Yay! Saumur is starting to get hay "a twig at a time".

I headed out to see Saumur and when I checked in at the clinic I was told that he seemed a bit depressed and down. To everyone's surprise Saumur perked right up when he saw me, he came up to his stall door with bright eyes. I donned the plastic booties and rubber gloves and went in, Saumur's favorite brush in hand (he loves the MagicBrush, which is a great tool and also can be easily washed and disinfected). I had to be careful as Saumur is still tethered to the IV, and he also continues to wear his ice boots. We spend a lot of quality time, I scratched all his preferred spots (under the chin and around the withers are Saumur's all time favorites, followed by the face and ears), and Saumur in turn was trying to root through my pockets for treats. Turns out: He was hungry and wanted to eat!

When the horse stalled across from him received hay Saumur whinnied excitedly, and the student on duty gave him a tiny amount of hay.

Tonight I received another happy call: Saumur continues to do well and he enjoys his "twigs of hay". We are almost over the first critical 72 hours, fingers (and toes) crossed!

Reason enough for JP to bring out the champagne - but really, I greatly prefer to enjoy a drink without having to have an almost nervous breakdown first. Although it does make me a 'cheap date', with all the worries I really haven't felt like eating, so one glass is all it takes...for me to fall asleep!

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