Sunday, March 27, 2016

Spring is in the air - and does the Easter Bunny carry horse cookies?

What a beautiful Easter Sunday, perfect weather to ... walk six miles with Saumur, go for a trailride, walk some more, have a piece of chocolate, and walk again.

By the time  Saumur no longer needs hand walking - Mid MAY(!) - I should be fit enough to tackle the Appalachian Trail, all 2,200 miles (3.500 km) of it. Not that I would actually do it, rough camping, NO SHOWERS, is not exactly my cup of tea. I'm good watching movies about it, thank you very much, I'd never be as cute as Reese anyway. The thought of "I could do it" is good enough for me in this case.

JP and I took Chambord and Remy on the first trailride of the year. It couldn't have been any nicer or more relaxing. Both boys played "tourist" (checking the trails thoroughly as they had changed), there was a nice breeze, sunshine, lots of birds, squirrels... the woods are awakening - and so are we!

Chambord can sense food even if it's not anywhere near him. His internal clock tells him exactly when it's time for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a snack in between.

Chambord: I think I saw the Easter Bunny carrying horse cookies!

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