Monday, March 21, 2016

MSU Day 5 - The difference a day makes

Worrisome call this morning: Saumur hadn't passed any manure since yesterday, meaning his intestines were still offended by having been out in the open. Dr. Gallant (Saumur's primary vet at MSU and a wonderful young woman) tried not to worry me too much. She said she'll do another ultrasound to make sure all is OK.  I told her I would bring Saumur's hay from home to see if it helps with his appetite.

Not to do some product placement here, but the Cashel hay carrier works great: I can fit a bale of hay in it, zip it up, and roll it around. It fits into the hatchback of my GTI and everything stays neat and clean, no hay sticking to all the surfaces.

I stumbled into the reception area at MSU, pulling the hay bag behind, only to be asked if I'm bringing the Alpaca (?). Uh, no, I'm here for Saumur, the colic case. Dr. Gallant picked me up and had a wonderful surprise for me: Saumur "without anything" - no IV's, no ice boots, bright and curious, and: He had passed manure, the plumbing is working. Even better, if he has a good night and all is normal I can pick him up tomorrow!

Of course, that fits, after I just lugged 70 pounds of hay to him.. but then, it's just one more part of the things we do for love!

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