Tuesday, March 8, 2016

My beach boy likes the weather - and let's go for the safety goggles

70F and sunshine today - plus another really good ride: Herz, was begehrst Du mehr? ("Heart, what do you desire more?"). Remy thrives in warmer weather, after all, he is a California boy. But before I could get to enjoy the ride serious work was called for. Mud season has come upon us. All our guys seem to have just waited for the chance to roll 'naked' (without sheets) in the mud.

Chambord turned from Palomino to something earth colored, Teddy is a ball of mud, same with Saumur, but he tops it off with mud in his ears. Remy, of course, didn't want to be left out. Luckily Judy has an industrial strength horse vacuum, but before that gets pressed into action the dried and caked on mud needs to be loosened. Hence: Safety goggles to keep my contact lenses from being clogged with all the dirt - at least some part of me needs to stay clean, and I opt for the eyes! Now I'm stylin': Facemask while riding (due the allergies to the footing), and safety goggles while grooming.

While throwing around caked mud I was thinking of the other mud-slinging going on right now: Politics! My hard earned citizenship allows me to vote, and the irony is: This is what I get to chose from??

I by far prefer slinging real mud than listening to the other mud slingers out there (and BTW, they have 'people' to dig up the dirt for them).

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