Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Some days I just don't have it in me .. and Ziggy keeps an eye on things

Some days I just don't have it in me mentally - and today was such a day. Cold, blustery, blowing snow. I was already apprehensive about taking Remy and Chambord on the road. Luckily the main roads were clear, and driving was not an issue.

The issue was the high and blustery wind. The forecast had said gusts up to 30 mph. The indoor arena was making very unsettling sounds. Chambord, who is highly attuned to environment, braved it but then got more and more worried and "high". That's when JP -with Judy's encouragement- made the prudent decision to call it a day.

I decided to longe Remy first, and he was perfectly fine. Just as I got on the rattling picked up again and I had to admit that I just didn't have it in me today, I couldn't focus and tune out the environment. My mind was going 100 miles an hour with all the things that are going on. My friend (and former nanny) Antje lost her sister and the funeral is tomorrow. At the same time Antje's husband Axel had a heart attack and needed several stents - in addition to already being an dialysis. My heart goes out to them and I do worry a lot. I don't sleep well, and the 'movies' in my head (parents, work, business trip schedule) are running on a seemingly continuous loop.

Make a long story short, Remy needs his rider's focus, he does not (yet) fill in all the blanks. And I did not have much to offer him today. I finished the walk work and got off. Remy didn't mind, his friends were waiting for him in the paddock.

No worries about home: Ziggy has an eye on the boyz!

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