No worries, though, JP and Chambord had a very good lesson. It's so fun watch these two work. Chambord is trying hard to please, even if he'd rather just take off running and bucking. Remy had to question me in the beginning, as usual, but then we also had a super lesson. Judy's theme was "you have to work smarter - not harder". (She obviously doesn't want me to fall off Remy due to exhaustion). So we worked on getting Remy through in the walk, before moving on to trot and canter. If he didn't keep the thoroughness it was back to the lower gait.
Remy felt great, and I just loved the canter. When he is soft, supple, and yes, through, I feel like we could ride off into the sunset. And if I remember to keep his haunches straight the changes are clean. We started to work on the pre-cursor of canter pirouettes and that was a ton of fun. While cooling him out Andra mentioned "Remy just always looks so happy" - and that made me happy.
Speaking of working smarter... Saumur figured out last night how to open not just the latch but also the clip at his door and let himself out of his stall. His idea of working smarter: Why work hard at getting hay out of the feedbag when you can drag an entire bale into the middle of the barn? He obviously had an all-nighter (just he and the hay!), while the others enviously watched. Saumur probably thought "bien fait pour eux" ("serves them well"). He has to share with them all day long, so they might as well watch him eat for once!
The aftermath of Saumur's All-Nighter |
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