Thursday, March 2, 2017

Tackling the changes - and the gap between theory and execution

Cold and blustery today and I could feel initially how Remy was more jumpy then the last days when the temps were warmer. He is after all a California Surfer Boy!

I was happy that Remy went to work nevertheless without any whining. All went well... until it came to the flying changes. Ugh! He can do them, obviously. Me - it's still hit and miss. It frustrates the heck out of me, I feel so stupid that I don't seem to get my aids simultaneously right and on time. The best I could get was a comment from Judy "that was a nice Hunter change". Obviously NOT what I was supposed to do. Oh yes, and a reminder that "Remy loves his changes". (Read: Just not with me).

I give lots of credit to Judy that she didn't get frustrated with my rather fruitless efforts. She had me do a really neat exercise: Second track, straight line, a few strides each of canter - walk - counter-canter - repeat and then change. The first tries were quite an eye-opener, but then it worked. As Judy pointed out: The better the canter, the better the changes. I know Remy needs to have his rear wheel drive on full throttle and be right on the aids. Yep, the theory I have down pat. Execution - obviously not so much.

Of course, at home JP -aka my resident expert- weighed in: I'm too tense. If I were just more relaxed...

Well, honey, it doesn't take a genius to figure that one out. Quick, hand me Emil's home-brewed Schnapps*!

*Schnapps, a German word, "is the generic term for all white (clear) brandies distilled from fermented fruits. True Schnapps has no sugar added and is definitely an aquired taste, particularly for nationalities not used to raw distillates."

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